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Financial reporting

With the increasing complexity of fair value reporting standards and often tight timelines for reporting, Mayples can help you comply quickly.

Valuations for financial reporting purposes cover a wide range of fair value related areas. These include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • Portfolios. Private equity and venture capital portfolio valuations are critical processes used by investment firms to assess the current worth of their holdings in various companies. These valuations help investors understand the performance and potential returns of their investments, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding portfolio management and potential exits. Valuations are typically conducted periodically, and factors such as the company's financial performance, market conditions, and industry trends are considered to arrive at accurate and fair valuations.
  • Goodwill impairment. Goodwill impairment valuations are assessments conducted by companies to determine whether the carrying value of their goodwill exceeds its fair value. If the fair value is found to be lower, an impairment charge must be recognized in the financial statements, reducing the goodwill amount and potentially impacting the company's financial performance and reporting.
  • Purchase price allocation. Purchase price allocation valuations are conducted after a company acquires another business or significant assets. The purpose of these valuations is to allocate the purchase price paid among the acquired assets and liabilities fairly and accurately. By determining the specific values of individual assets, such as tangible assets, intangible assets, and liabilities, the acquiring company can appropriately report the transaction on its financial statements and comply with accounting standards.
  • Unique instruments. Fair value measurement can apply to a number of often unique instruments. These can include convertible debt agreements, warrants, or even some unique licensing agreements (e.g. royalty agreements). The instruments may appear to be unique, but we assure you that the vast majority of times they require similar inputs and can be handled with one of our pre-built models. If not, we can build it and value
  • Equity-based compensation. Estimation of the grant date, fair value of equity compensation awards issued in compliance with ASC 718. This includes general assumption development such as expected term(s), forfeiture rate(s), and volatility, as well as market-based, performance awards which require simulations.

Our financial reporting valuation solutions incorporate a wide range of needs out of the box. If you feel that you have a unique need, please contact us. We'd love to hear about your need and can come up with a fast, cost effective solution to integrate into our system.

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