Watch our reimagined process in action .

Valuations reimagined

We took our own business valuation experience with global consulting firms and completely reimagined both the process and the product

Our journey started deep in the valuation consulting industry. While working with over half of the Fortune 500 at some of the largest consulting firms in the world, several issues became apparent.

  • Out of reach. The fees associated with top-tier valuations places them well out of reach of the vast majority of businesses and business owners.
  • Manual, people driven processes. Everything from entering client data to writing the final report is handled manually and via Excel spreadsheets. This increases the time spent, potential for errors, and ultimately the cost of a valuation.
  • Low technology. Excel is the core "technology." This substantially limits the analysis that can be performed but also increases the potential for material errors impacting the final analysis.

With these, and more, issues in mind, we set out to reimagine the approach to conducting and delivering business valuations. With the development of purpose built software, we address several key areas.

  • Accessibility. Focus on automating the parts of the process that waste time and money in order to make top-tier valuations available to everyone.
  • Technology driven processes. A technology first approach including direct client data upload and system parsing, automated report generation and more. Eliminate the error prone nature of the manual copy/paste approaches.
  • Purpose-built software. Flexible, audit-tested software designed to automate everything from client data upload through final report-writing and it keeps learning and expanding.

Experience to know better

Our team is comprised of seasoned valuation practitioners from global consulting firms with experience enough to know that there had to be a better way to perform and deliver business valuations.

Business was founded
Average experience
20+ yrs
Total valuations
> 5K
Asset valued
> $500B

Our values

We created Mayples with a few, core principles and goals that we strive to reach.

Client first outcomes.
 The outcome of a valuation more often than not has a material impact on the reported financials of a company or an individuals tax liability. So, quality and defensibility aligned with the goals of the client must remain our primary focus.
Keep innovating.
 Providing improved outcomes, experiences, and value for our clients requires a tireless desire to innovate. Engage with clients and focus on the problems / challenges they are facing and how we can help solve them with technology.
Increase accessibility.
 Top-tier, consultant based valuations are simply put expensive and as a result inaccessible to most. Focus on changing this paradigm through the application of cutting-edge technology.
A+ supportive.
 Be more than just a final report issued at the end of an engagement. Instead, strive to be the first resource that clients reach out to when questions or challenges arise.
Keep learning.
 To ensure the best outcomes for our clients, continual learning is mandatory. Regulations are ever changing, while technology continues to accelerate. Staying on top of both requires a love and unwavering focus.
Change the industry.
 The valuation industry is a highly traditional consulting based one tied to, what we believe, are outdated approaches and limited technology. Through our work we hope to change the way that valuation are conducted and, hopefully, improve outcomes for all clients.

What their saying

Find out what current and past clients are saying about working with Mayples.

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

“I've worked with Mayples on several occasions and the results have been excellent. They are able to think through issues deeply and develop approaches that not only meet regulatory requirements but also provide the best possible outcomes for stakeholders. I'll work with them again as the need arises.”

Robert Jacks
Robert Jacks
CEO of Sparrow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Alpheus Medical, Inc.

“We've had a great experience working with Mayples. They have been responsive to tight timelines and their pricing is very reasonable, especially as a development stage company. They understand the clinical science, making the development of appropriate outcomes very straight forward. We plan on working with them again.”

Vijay Agarwal, MD, FAANS
Vijay Agarwal, MD, FAANS
Founder, President & CEO of Alpheus Medical, Inc.