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July 13, 2023

Updated Questionnaire is Live

Does all of this work really even matter?

After a number of iterations and extensive testing, we are excited to push new updates to our online questionnaire. These updates add additional efficiencies to our already unmatched software and further our goal of fully automating the parts of the valuation process that waste client time and money.

Today we are excited to launch a redesigned and streamlined questionnaire designed to handle even more valuations, including what were previously "edge" cases. This questionnaire is an important piece of our proprietary software and a key component in driving the most streamlined and efficient process in the valuation industry. These updates allow use to handle even more valuations while better uncovering the information and documents that are required for a valuation.

These updates include better integration with our online quote system and our dynamic required document generation component. We continue to take our experience with previous clients and quickly integrate what we've learned into the system. The end result is that our clients will spend even less time on a valuation and save even more than before.

Questionnaire Comparables Section

As an example, the "comparable company" section is not only integrated into our public company data but also, now, our proprietary private data. This allows for an even smoother identification of management based public and private comparable companies. And don't worry. Management comparable companies simply help to provide information for the development of the final peer group. Our system still develops that final group for you.

Questionnaire Comparables Section

A detailed view of a management identified comparable company. This detailed view allows a user to easily ensure that they've identified the correct company.

Our team is very excited about the work that has gone into these updates and the benefits that they will provide our clients. Initial testing of the updates has shown that, on average, clients can complete the entire questionnaire process in less than 20 minutes! And now, if needed, a member of our team can easily jump on with a client in real-time to help them through the questionnaire.

If you want to learn more, contact us to schedule a demo or get a quote in less than 5 minutes.