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Insights and opinions

Insights into the valuation industry, what we want to see change, and what we're working on to do just that.

Let's Start Calculating

The economic environment, dramatic shift in interest rates, and overall market conditions over the last year(s) calls to light a fundamental limitation of the valuation industry – the inability of most, if not all providers, to calculate key valuation inputs and assumptions internally let alone in real-time.
Brock Benson

By Brock Benson

Updated Questionnaire is Live

After a number of iterations and extensive testing, we are excited to push new updates to our online questionnaire. These updates add additional efficiencies to our already unmatched software and further our goal of fully automating the parts of the valuation process that waste client time and money.
Brock Benson

By Brock Benson

Equity Risk Premiums in a Dynamic Interest Rate Environment

With the rapid increase in interest rates, it's important to address how current and projected equity risk premiums are expected to be impacted in the context of valuations. It's also important to address the ability to rapidly incorporate such changes in a valuation.
Brock Benson

By Brock Benson

Valuing companies in a recession

There have been a few hiccups over the last 20+ years but, generally, we've been in a long-term bull market. How do we utilize data from this period in light of the recent slow-down and pending recession?
Brock Benson

By Brock Benson